Guidelines for Judging
the Borzoi
Patti Widick Neale |
The Borzoi was originally bred for the coursing of wild game
on more or less open terrain, relying on sight rather than scent.
To accomplish this purpose, the Borzoi needed particular structural
qualities to chase, catch and hold his quarry. Special emphasis
is placed on sound running gear, strong neck and jaws, courage
and agility, combined with proper condition. The Borzoi should
always possess unmistakable elegance, with flowing lines, graceful
in motion or repose. Males, masculine without coarseness; bitches,
feminine and refined. |
Look first for the points of special emphasis; all critical in
a large game coursing hound. Condition means muscular fitness.
Though both should be elegant, there is a pronounced difference
in secondary sexual characteristics between dogs and bitches.
There should be no mistaking which is which. Graceful, flowing
lines are the mark of a fit, well constructed, strong but elegant
Borzoi. |
Avoid a weedy, narrow animal as well as one who is coarse or
cloddy or unsound. Avoid a doggy bitch or a bitchy dog, weak
snipy muzzles and Borzoi in soft, flabby condition. Hard muscular
condition is desirable. |
Skull slightly domed, long and narrow, with scarcely any perceptible
stop, inclined to be Roman-nosed. Jaws long, powerful and deep,
somewhat finer in bitches but not snipy. Teeth strong and clean
with either an even or a scissors bite. Missing teeth should
be penalized. Nose large and black. |
Look for a long, smooth head with a deep, strong underjaw to
catch and hold game. Roman nose means a slight drop-off of the
end of the nasal cartilage, NOT a Roman head. Know how to count
teeth properly. Penalize missing teeth as one fault in the whole
dog. A breeder would not penalize an otherwise excellent individual
for a missing tooth. Teeth should be large and strong. |
Avoid a short, broad, lumpy head or a weak, snipy muzzle, especially
in a male. A Roman head like the Bull Terrier is a severe fault.
A dish-face or pronounced domed skull is undesirable. Do not
assume that space between premolars in a long jaw means missing
teeth. |
Small and fine in quality, lying back on the neck in repose with
the tips when thrown back almost touching behind the occiput,
raised when at attention. |
Look for small, highset ears. When at attention, ears are
held up and out, in a semi-prick position. Most Borzoi when sighting
game will hold one or both ears erect. |
Avoid low set ears or heavy leather or hanging ears. A Borzoi
is not expected to hold its ears at attention in the show ring
nor should he be penalized for occasionally pricking an ear. |
Set somewhat obliquely, dark in color, intelligent but rather
soft in expression; never round, full nor staring, nor light
in color; eye rims dark; inner corner midway between tip of nose
and occiput. |
Look for dark eyes set at a slight angle to towards the sides
of the head, with soft expression and dark eye rims. |
Avoid forward facing "monkey" set eyes or eyes set
toward the top of the head. Yellow, grey or blue eyes are very
undesirable. |
Clean, free from throatiness; slightly arched, very powerful
and well set on. |
Look for a strong, medium length, slightly arched neck that flows
smoothly into the shoulders. Head should be carried level with
the back or slightly above when moving. |
Avoid a weak, thin or ewe neck, or one that is very long or very
short. A neck that emerges upright from the shoulders, or is
carried high when moving, like an Afghan, is incorrect. |
Sloping, fine at the withers and free from coarseness or lumber. |
Look for shoulders placed high and back on ribcage, with the
tops of the blades level with or slightly higher than the top
of the vertebrae, with two to three fingers width between them,
depending on the size of the dog. The blade should slope from
the withers to the point of shoulder. The bone is long and covered
with long, flat muscles. |
Avoid shoulders set too far forward with upright or short blades,
or shoulders that appear to come out of the neck. Coarse, loaded
shoulders are wide apart at the withers or are set below the
tops of the vertebrae. |
Rather narrow, with great depth of brisket. |
Look for fill from the front from a deep brisket and musculature
covering the prosternum which should protrude slightly. Rather
narrow means compared to the working and non-sighthound hunting
dogs of the day when the first standards were written. You should
be able to get an average size flat hand on the brisket between
the front legs. Brisket should be close in depth to the elbow
in a mature dog. |
Avoid the "cut up" look or feel of a very narrow chest,
or the look of both legs coming out of the same hole. This results
from shallow ribs and/or forward shoulder placement. Do not be
fooled by hair. Males especially can disguise a shallow chest
with a luxurious coat. |
Only slightly sprung, but very deep, giving room for heart and
lung play. |
Look for spring from the top of the ribs where they join the
thoracic vertebrae and then the ribs flatten out more than in
non-sighthounds into great depth to give room for the hind legs
to pass the ribs and front legs in the double suspension gallop,
while allowing great lung capacity. |
Avoid the sunfish or angelfish look of slab sides, as well as
the tubular body of the shallow ribbed dog. Ribs should shorten
gradually toward the loin in a smooth curve, not in a straight
line from the lowest point of the chest giving the dog a herring
gut. |
Rising a little at the loins in a graceful curve.
Extremely muscular, but rather tucked up, owing to the great
depth of chest and comparative shortness of back and ribs. |
Back and loins create the topline. The back, the area of the
thoracic vertebrae, is actually level, and the loin, the area
of the lumbar vertebrae, rises slightly, both because of the
muscle mass, and the longer, larger vertebral spines that the
muscle is attached to. The back and loin muscles hold the whole
dog together and provide the power for the tremendous expansion
and contraction of the body in the double suspension gallop,
transmitted through a flexible spine which bends tightly in the
closed portion of the gallop and then turns the curve inside
out on the extended part of the gallop. In judging, look for
a short, level back that starts to rise with the muscles about
three ribs forward of the last rib and continues the smooth curve
into a long pelvis. The topline will flatten somewhat as the
dog trots. |
Avoid a topline that rises from the shoulder area (wheel back)
or falls off steeply from the start of the loin to a steep pelvis,
(remember, rising a little at the loin, not starting its descent
there) or one that is flat or sagging from shoulder to hipbones.
Heavy coat on the shoulders or rump, especially on males, can
disguise a good topline, making it appear flat, so feel for it.
A topline that remains in the same curve while moving is a rigid
one and the dog will usually have a stiff, bouncy gait. Avoid
exaggeration. |
Bones straight and somewhat flattened like blades, with the narrower
edge forward. The elbows have free play and are turned neither
in nor out. Pasterns strong. |
Look for dry, well delineated bones which should have thickness
in proportion to the size and substance of the dog. Heavy coat
can give the appearance of round, coarse bone. Free play means
not tied to the chest but able to reach forward from correct
muscling in the shoulder and a long upper arm, that should angle
from the point of the shoulder back beneath the dog so that the
elbow falls in line with the top of the withers. Strong pasterns
are slightly sloping and springy. |
Avoid round or coarse bone, short upper arms or a dog that is
tied in at the elbows or has flying elbows. Avoid short, straight,
upright pasterns which go with an upright shoulder and short
stepping movement. |
Hare-shaped, with well arched knuckles, toes close and well padded. |
Hare-shaped means that the center two toes are longer than the
others. Look for a long foot, still with well arched knuckles.
Toenails should nearly touch the ground. |
Avoid flat, splayed, round or thin feet. Remember the special
emphasis on sound running gear. "No foot, no horse"
applies to Borzoi as well. |
Long, very muscular and powerful with well bent stifles; somewhat
wider than the forequarters; strong first and second thighs;
hocks clean and well let down; legs parallel when viewed from
the rear. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed;
dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. |
Look for a long, strong first and second thigh with short
hocks and a wide hock joint. From the rear, hips should be wide
through the pelvis, and the legs should be parallel when STANDING.
Long, firm muscling throughout. |
Avoid straight stifles, high hocks, narrow hock joint or second
thigh, a narrow pelvis or steep croup. |
Long, set on and carried low in a graceful curve. |
Look for a low set tail that continues the smooth transition
line from loin to croup. Tail should reach at least to the hock.
Carriage when moving is low and flowing out behind the dog |
Avoid a short tail, a high set one, a tail carried above the
level of the back, a ringed or curly tail or a tail with obvious
kinks in the bone. Tail faults are difficult to breed out. |
Long, silky (not woolly), either flat, wavy or rather curly on
the head, ears and front of legs it should be short and smooth;
on the neck the frill should be profuse and rather curly. Feather
on hindquarters and tail, long and profuse, less so on chest
and back of forelegs. |
Look for a clean, healthy coat. The standard allows for a wide
range of coat types so except for a harsh, woolly or wiry coat,
most coat textures are correct. There is tremendous variation
in undercoat, depending on climate. |
Avoid a woolly, hard, wiry or coarse coat or one that is unpleasant
to the touch. Do not expect a bitch to carry the heavy coat and
feathering of a male. A shorter, healthy coat with nice britches
and tail is correct for a bitch. |
Any color, or combination of colors is acceptable. |
Don't look for a particular color. Any color, from pure black
to pure white, and all kinds of spots and speckles in between
are acceptable. There is no such thing as a mis-mark, and no
color or pattern is preferred over any other |
Avoid any color prejudice. Be aware that some patterns may cause
optical illusions that may hide or enhance a dog's actual structure.
Do not be fooled by favorable or unfavorable markings |
Mature males should be at least 28 inches at the withers and
mature bitches at least 26 inches at the withers. Dogs and bitches
below these respective limits should be severely penalized; dogs
and bitches above the respective limits should not be penalized
as long as extra size is not acquired at the expense of symmetry,
speed and staying quality. Range in weight for males from 75
to 105 pounds and for bitches from 15 to 20 pounds less. |
Look for Borzoi whose height balances their body proportions
and you will never have a problem with size. Very large dogs
usually attain their size at the expense of angles and elegance.
Very large bitches may still be structurally correct but appear
doggy. This author in 28 years has never seen an under Standard
sized Borzoi in the ring. If one appears small it is usually
in the company of a number of large ones. |
Avoid discounting a smaller animal of quality just because it
is smaller than other in its class, or rewarding extra large
just because it looks impressive. Compared with other giant sighthounds,
the Borzoi's minimum height in both sexes is two inches less
than in Scottish Deerhounds, and four inches less than in Irish
Wolfhounds. |
Front legs must reach well out in front with pasterns strong
and springy. Hackneyed motion with mincing gait is not desired
nor is weaving and crossing. However, while the hind legs are
wider apart than the front, the feet tend to move closer to the
center line when the dog moves at a fast trot. When viewed from
the side there should be a noticeable drive with a ground-covering
stride from well angulated stifles and hocks. The over-all appearance
in motion should be that of effortless power, endurance, speed,
agility, smoothness and grace. |
Look for the effortless, ground-covering dog that comes close
to single tracking. The Borzoi is a working hunter and needs
the kind of gait that is most efficient for distance and speed |
Avoid the kind of movement that would be poor in any large dog.
The dog that flies around the ring by moving its legs the fastest
may be flashy, but is probably not the most graceful, or efficient. |
The foregoing description is that of the ideal Borzoi. Any deviation
from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent
of the deviation, keeping in mind the importance of the contribution
of the various features toward the basic original purpose of
the breed.
The basic original purpose of the breed, to catch
and hold game, is the Borzoi's raison d'être. Remember
"Special emphasis is placed on sound running gear, strong
neck and jaws, courage and agility, combined with proper condition."
as these are the most important contributing factors to that
purpose. The Borzoi's classic beauty and elegance are the icing
on the cake. |