In 1991, several members of the old parent club met in a restaurant and decided to take the bold step of starting a new parent club to be named the United States Neapolitan Mastiff Club (USNMC). The charter members of the USNMC determined to avoid the problems endemic in the old club, were firm in the resolve that the organization would be a true club and would be truly run by a group of people rather than dictated by one person. To that end, the Board of Directors consists of 4 Officers and 7 Directors.
There were several objectives set by the founders of the USNMC:
The challenges facing the USNMC were exactly those facing any national parent club for any breed:
Provide information
national newsletter
of the breed standard
of breeding and so forth.
The USNMC Board of Directors has met six-ten times a year from 1991 to now. While all of the original members of the Board lived along the East Coast, primarily in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, over the last seven years, involvement from other parts of the country has grown dramatically. The Board now has a truly national aspect with members from Florida, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Meetings are now held, by the wonders of technology, via telephone conference call.
Every year, the USNMC sponsored a National Specialty, and hosted an FCI judge or a prominent breeder-judge. For its first four years, the USNMC National Specialty was one designated show at a series of shows. However, it became clear that the club and the breed support has grown enough that the National Specialty should be a stand-alone show.
In 1996 the first stand-alone National Specialty was held in Chicago, the physical center of the nation. Neapolitans from 20 states and Canada shows with persons attending from 25 states and Canada. There were 46 Mastini appearing at the National Specialty, 19 entered in the Puppy Sweepstakes (the first ever held for the breed) and a total entry for the weekend of 130!
The 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 Nationals were held in Pennsylvania, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Misosuri respectively, and had similar entries although all attracted a distinctly growing attendance record of Neapolitan Mastiff fans from around the entire country, Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.
Since 1995, the USNMC has been a member of the ATIMANA, the International organization of parent clubs for the Neapolitan Mastiff and participates with parent clubs the world over in support and protection of this breed.
USNMC membership has grown from 40 to currently over 200 with another 100+ Associates. At last count, Members and Associates report in from 45 of the 50 states.
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