THE STANDARD: Ears, Skull, Stop, Nose


The Standard Says:

Ears: Set well above the cheekbones. May be cropped or uncropped but are usually cropped to an equilateral triangle for health reasons. If uncropped, they are medium sized, triangular in shape, held tight to the cheeks,and not extending beyond the lower margin of the throat. Skull: Wide, flat between the ears, slightly arched at the frontal part, and covered with wrinkled skin. The width of the cranium between the cheekbones is approximately equal to its length from occiput to stop. The brow is very developed. Frontal furrow is marked. Occiput is barely apparent. Stop: Very defined, forming a right angle at the junction of muzzle and frontal bones, and then sloping back to a greater angle where the frontal bones meet the frontal furrow of the forehead. Nose: Large with well-opened nostrils, and in color the same as the coat. The nose is an extension of the top line of the muzzle and should not protrude beyond or recede behind the front plane of the muzzle.

Severe faults: Incomplete pigmentation of the nose




The standard says the ears are usually cropped to an equilateral triangle, but doesn't say how long an equilateral triangle, and it doesn't say anything about how the ears should be carried. The ears contribute to the all-important expression, the way the head "looks" for the breed, and so we must consider them for that purpose, but in general, the ears are not usually a "big deal."


In fact, the ears are traditionally cropped fairly short. Not as long as a Doberman Pincher nor a Stafforshire Terrier. And in fact, we really don't care how long or how short they are, except as how it relates to the expression that it lends to the head. A longer cropped ear makes the dog look more alert, more like other breeds, which is not desirable. Sometime dogs even have the ear cropped so short it is nearly gone. This isn't a real problem either except as how it relates to the look of the shape of the head. We prefer the cropped ear to lay flat over the top of the head, or to stand up, but many dogs will hold them out to the side. This isn't a problem, and shouldn't be considered a fault of any sort.

If uncropped, the ear is triangular, like a Mastiff ear, and held fairly unobtrusive and close to the cheek, not "rosed" like a Bulldog, not "folded" like a Hound. The ears should not extend beyond the lower margin of the throat ...and when looking at this, you must remember that this breed has a dewlap and very loose lips. The skin is usually hanging below the jaw and throat. make sure the ear doesn't go beyond the jawline.


This dog's ear crop is a little long. The ears are well-held however, and the head looks reasonably nice.


If this dog were the best dog, in terms of WHam (Wrinkle, Head, and Mass) and it gave you the appropriate Emotional response and it was sound and moved corectly, there would be no problem putting it up. The ear crop is indeed part of the look of the dog, but a bad ear crop isn't considered an especially critical part unless it does destroy the expression.


We've already said the cranium and muzzle are parallel. The top should be flat, not domed between the ears like a bullmastiff or bulldog. But you may want to check the cranium physically to be sure you're seeing the flat skull, not the wrinkles and folds or muscles which may make it look more rounded. The width of the cranium should be approximately equal to the length. The sides should be parallel.




The brow is very developed, and the furrow between the eyes should be evident. The stop is obvious and very defined.



The nose should be large, well-spread nostrils, same color as the coat. An incomplete pigmentation makes the nose more obvious, draws attention away from the head, from the expression. It's not that common a fault, and good thing...to us, it's just plain ugly.


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