The Official Book of the Neapolitan Mastiff; Author: Sherilyn Allen, VMD; TFH Publishers, New York, NY 1995 List Price $69.99 Over 300 pages, glossy paper, over 400 photographs, many in color. Usually available for about half of list price. Covers many topics; many interesting perspectives written by the author. A valuable addition to any library about the breed.
The Complete and Reliable Book of the Neapolitan Mastiff;
Authors: Robert Gravel and Gonnie Schaffer, TFH Publishers, New York, NY, 2000. List price $21.99;
Over 120 pages, glossy paper, over 150 photographs. A good book covering every basic topic necessary
for the new or experienced owner.
Fighting Dog Breeds; Author Dr. Dieter Fleig (translated
from the German by William Charlton); TFH Publishers, New York, NY; 1996; List Price $49.99
Over 200 pages. Despite the rather daunting title, contains a honest and thorough description of
the history and backgrounds and present state of over 27 breeds including the Mastiff, English Bulldog,
Bullmastiff, Bordeaux, Pug, as well as an excellent presentation of the Neapolitan Mastiff.
The Neapolitan Mastiff; Author: Mario Zacchi, Le Moye Distributors, Jersey, Great Britain; 1987 This book is an updated and translated version of Zacchi's 1983 book, Il MMolosso Italiano. It is presently out of print, but can occasionally be found in book stores or on the Internet. A very nice outline of the breed, history, and so on. 190 pages. Most photographs black-and-white.
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