You can manage all your own subscription options, such as starting and stopping mail, changing from regular posts to digest, etc., and changing your e-mail address, from the Judges-L archives site. You can also use this site as your primary way of accessing Judges-L mail (web-based mail).
If you already have a password and know how to access the archives, skip down to "Managing your own subscription options." Go to archives page at: After you click on it you will have to log in with your e-mail
address and password. If you haven't chosen a password yet, the
system come up with a screen that will prompt you to choose a
password and you'll have to wait Once you have the confirmation of your password, go back to If you then click the button "Save my Password in
a Cookie", you won't have to retype it every time you
got to the page. I highly recommend doing it. Then when the screen
tells you that it is saved, hit the back button and go You can then click on the current week.
To manage all your own SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS:
If you are traveling, check "Mail delivery disabled
You can also use the archives as your MAIN MAIL SOURCE
(web-based mail): Read a specific post by clicking on the title of the post, which brings it up in its own window. The buttons at the top allow you to respond to the post, either to the author privately, or to Judges-L, depending on which box you check. Type in a subject line that is accurate for your post, if the current one is not. Remember, before you send any post, make sure the post is going where you intend it to. Post in Haste, Repent at Leisure. Patti, Joe, Karin, Sandy, Jeremy