Neck, Topline, Body
Neck should be clean and muscular, without throatiness,
of fair length, and gradually widening to the shoulders. Back should be
short, straight, (i.e., level), and strong, with no appearance of slackness.
Chest deep and not broad. The Brisket should be deep, yet not exaggerated.
The fore ribs should be moderately arched, the back ribs deep and well
sprung, and the dog should be well ribbed up. Loin should be powerful,
muscular and very slightly arched. Stern should be set on rather high,
and carried gaily, but not over the back or curled. It should be of good
strength, anything approaching a "Pipestopper" tail being especially bjectionable.
The neck is neither long nor short; it should be neither slender nor stocky; it should be the balancing connection between head and body. Proper length of neck will, with correct shoulder placement, be of graceful, but not excessive length, and the back will, as desired, appear short. The neck flows smoothly into the shoulders and shows no sign of indentation at, or behind, the withers. The short, strong back appears level whether standing or moving.
Viewed from the front, the chest should be somewhat narrow rather than broad and muscular like that of a Bull Terrier, but the front legs should not "come out of the same hole." The ribs should be well sprung, but on no account "barrel-chested." The slightly arched loin is felt rather than seen. The tail should be set on high (forward of the rear projection of the pelvic bones), and be carried either directly upright or slightly forward of the perpendicular. A gay or squirrel tail is a bad fault. A "two o'clock tail" spoils the dog's outline. Furthermore, no terrier of correct temperament will drop its tail in the ring and admit timidity. A poor topline may be disguised when the dog is posed, but will be discovered as the dog moves. The brisket should be at least deep enough to reach the elbow, giving the pleasing contrast in profile between the chest and tuck-up called a "good turn of body."