The height should not exceed 14 inches. Height over 15 Inches at the Highest Point of the Shoulder Blade Is a Disqualification.
Ideal height is said to be between 12 and 14 inches. However, a slightly smaller hound who has all the breed characteristics, including the heavy bone, should not be dismissed. Likewise, a taller hound (between 14" and 15") should not be penalized if he possesses overall balance and quality. Dogs usually exceed the bitches in both weight and height, but there is no difference specified in the standard.
An extremely small dog or bitch bordering on toy-sized. When our standard was revised, a minimum height disqualification was contemplated. However, AKC stated that if this was done, puppies would have to be disqualified if they were under the minimum height.
Therefore, a minimum height disqualification was not put into the standard.
Definitely avoid a Dog or Bitch with Height over 15", as it must Be Disqualified.
See size in the Illustrated Standard